Dear visitors,
It is a pleasure to bid you welcome to the website of Development Programming Institute of FBiH that will inform you about our work in general, our activities and engagement.
Development Programming Institute is a public institution of the Federation responsible for the overall process of strategic planning in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Institute conducts analyses of social and economic trends, macroeconomic analyses and coordinates strategic planning at the horizontal and vertical level (Federation ministries and institutions, cantons and Directorate for Economic Planning of Bosnia and Herzegovina).
In cooperation with ministries and other institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Institute participates in drafting of normative acts in the field of development planning and regulatory impact assessment, drafts development strategies of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, economic policy documents of the Government, work programs of the Government for its term of office, annual programmes and reports on the work of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, business performance analyses related to business companies, macroeconomic indicators of development of cantons and municipalities and other documents at the request of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Federation ministries.
Starting from the premise that there is no and there cannot be a speeded up accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU without a well-developed process of strategic and development planning, Development Programming Institute confirms through its daily operations that it has an extraordinarily important, irreplaceable role.
Director of Development Programming Institute of Federation of BiH